You wrote:

“I staunchly defend the right of every individual to believe whatever they want, including believing in “gender identities” and irrational definitions for themselves.

But there is another core tenet of Gender Identity Ideology:  everyone must share their beliefs.“

This is absolutely the crux of the matter - we aren’t joining the trans religion, so we don’t want men in the women’s locker room. It would be like the Mormons attempting to ban coffee or the JWs attempting to ban blood transfusions for everyone. Don’t try to force the wider world to participate in your clearly irrational (and as in the JW blood transfusion example, harmful) beliefs.

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Thanks for reporting on that, and for the bravery of those who held the event. Shouting over speakers and trying to block others from seeing them is not the strategy of people who believe they have a persuasive argument against what you all were there to say. If anyone is interested in contributing to the public comments regarding the proposed changes to Title IX before the September 12 deadline, here is a link to the form: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2022/07/12/2022-13734/nondiscrimination-on-the-basis-of-sex-in-education-programs-or-activities-receiving-federal

A proposed change in the language would allow anyone claiming female gender identity the same rights as biological females. In other words, they would be able to enter all spaces reserved for females and compete against females in sports.

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Predatory males are salivating at the breakdown of the long-standing boundaries society has honored that help to keep girls and women more safe in public spaces. It is blatant and dangerous misogyny under the guise of 'trans rights' and nothing else.

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Thank you for sharing what happened last night. That women could not speak because of these offensive males was disgusting. The gender gig advocates are like the exact opposite of MLK's non-violent strategy.

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A very accurate account of yesterday. Plenty of us were assaulted. I saw women knocked to the ground. One man was thrown to the ground. I was slammed into multiple times. I had a phone knocked out of my hand.

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Hi William, Please share this with Amy Sousa, if you have not done so already. Thank you for speaking up, and for being there.

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A mob of transgender activists in New Zealand gave Posie Parker the same abusive treatment, where a violent hoard of 2,000 activists over-ran her 200 audience and they fled. NZ has become a haven for trans misfits, and they have moved here from all over the world, thanks to our govt. Their cult means nothing to me, but I think we need to stick together to share ideas and have some solidarity. I first thought that the flood of neurodiverse individuals was caused by loss of Natural Selection in the last 60 years, but now I think that MMR vaccinations in children under 5yo is causing development disorders from autism down to ADHD and body dysphoria. The immune system seems to play a vital role in normal development, and vaccinations in children causing autistic regression has been documented over and over. Understanding the cause of this dysfunction may be helpful in planning a response, even if solutions look difficult. I cant see any quick and humane fixes.

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