No one can sit this one out. Throughout the U.S., full-blown Gender Identity Indoctrination is happening in K-12 schools. The negative implications for children, for women’s rights, for LGB rights, and for social justice organizing on other issues are too huge for anyone to ignore. (For a comprehensive account from a Left perspective of the damage being done by Gender Identity Ideology, see my Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Transgender Galaxy.)
If you thought that discussions of Gender Identity in K-12 classrooms in the U.S. were benign or at least uncommon, think again. Having just spent months reading through Gender Identity lessons, books, and policies from public schools across the U.S., I can reach only one conclusion: we are in a crisis situation. From the earliest years of schooling onward through high school, children are being hit from all sides over and over again with messages intended to indoctrinate them into this regressive ideology. This is happening across the U.S. and things are getting worse by the day as Biden Administration policies punish schools that don’t join in.
The materials I reviewed were obtained by volunteers with Women’s Declaration International (WDI) USA and by other individuals concerned about Gender Identity Ideology. An archive containing these materials has been posted on the WDI USA website, enabling everyone to view them. WDI intends to add to the archive periodically.
The picture that emerges from the archive is not pretty. A report posted on the WDI website summarizes the many forms of Gender Identity Indoctrination to which children are subjected each day in schools across the country. Read that report for more details, and scroll through the archive to see the source documents. Also see the two videos my partner and I put together sharing materials used in the Seattle School District. School indoctrination techniques include:
Slick picture books read to children from kindergarten onward that push Gender Identity Ideology.
Official “Gender Identity Lessons” attached to “Sexual Orientation” units in Sex Ed curricula. These present Gender Ideology as scientific fact, and force children to learn inaccurate definitions and multiple “gender identities.”
Warped lessons on reproductive anatomy and puberty that intentionally fail to identify male anatomy as male, and female anatomy as female, and that tell children that individuals with the reproductive organs of one sex can be members of the other sex.
Gender Identity Ideology inserted in all sorts of other classes ranging from science to art to phys ed. A New Jersey biology lesson on karyotypes and gene expression veers from actual science to the “Genderbread person,” as if the latter is science as well, for example.
Heavy promotion of Gender and Sexuality (GSA) or Sexuality and Gender Alliance (SAGA) clubs which now focus on funneling children into Gender Identity Ideology rather than helping gay and lesbian students fight discrimination.
Teacher trainings and activist teachers. Innumerable workshops and trainings tell all teachers to promote Gender Identity Ideology in their classrooms. Moreover, many teachers have emerged from universities already steeped in this ideology and eager to aggressively push it in their classrooms.
School district policies requiring teachers and school staff to “affirm” children’s so-called “gender identities.” They must let children use opposite sex restrooms and locker rooms. They must let boys participate in girls’ sports. They must use each child’s “preferred pronouns.” Many policies require teachers to not tell parents who question affirmation about the fact that their children are transitioning at school.
School events, ubiquitous flags and posters, mailings to families, and more, all promoting Gender Identity Ideology.
All of this is extremely harmful. The most vulnerable children are steered into trans and nonbinary identities and the psychological and physical harms that accompany those. All children are forced to forfeit sex-based rights and to lie about classmates’ and teachers’ sexes. All children are denied accurate information about biology, their bodies, puberty, reproduction, and more. Their critical thinking skills are dramatically undercut.
Schools are also a major conduit for spreading Gender Ideology throughout society. With children emerging from years of nonstop indoctrination in their schools, and with families miseducated alongside them, those promoting Gender Ideology are able to push their regressive agenda further and further along.
I am proud to have been a part of the effort that produced the archive and report now up on the WDI USA website. I am excited about participating in what comes next: coordinated aggressive action to get Gender Identity Ideology out of our schools.
This article is a call to action. We need parents, grandparents, guardians, teachers, and anyone who cares about children, civil rights and social justice organizing to stand up now. Lawsuits and other formal challenges have already begun, and we need to see many more of these. Across the U.S. groups of people need to be filing petitions demanding rescission of Gender Indoctrination materials and policies in their schools. Others need to be filing lawsuits challenging what is going on. And more. Together we need to get Gender Identity Ideology curricula, policies, trainings, and other indoctrination out of the schools.
Important victories have already been won. Some parents have successfully sued schools that kept them in the dark about the fact that their children were being treated as the opposite sex at school, for example.
We need to understand, however, that some suits, petitions, and other actions may not immediately lead to the results we want. Some school districts may be able to successfully defend themselves by pointing to local, state, and federal policies that mandate the indoctrination measures they’ve been implementing.
Any short-term losses we incur, however, will ultimately lead to the broader changes that are needed. By challenging Gender Identity Indoctrination in the schools, we will make visible what’s been hidden from most Americans. We will expose policies at the local, state, and federal level that are propelling this toxic Ideology forward. We will shine a light on the politicians and institutions behind those policies. As more and more Americans become aware of the madness that’s been unfolding all around us, there will be no place to hide for those who have unleashed that madness.
Coordination will help us all be more effective. It will enable us to avoid each reinventing the wheel.
As I and others work on petition language to use in challenging a specific school district, for example, we intend to share what we create with others. Watch the WDI site for resources.
Here are some things that can result from coordination:
Model language to use in challenging Gender Identity curricula and policies across the country.
Articles and videos featuring experts on discrete topics that can be used by people everywhere to support petitions, suits, and other formal challenges to Gender Identity Indoctrination in the schools.
Connections forged between people who previously labored alone, afraid to stand up, but who together will find the strength to be co-petitioners and co-plaintiffs. Parents, grandparents, teachers, and others who want to get Gender Identity Ideology out of the schools need to find each other.
The time for action is ripe. My Inbox is full of accounts from within the U.S. and around the world about the indoctrination underway in schools, and about the need to take joint action against it. WDI’s leadership in posting its report and archive is one of the signs that we are reaching critical mass.
More and more people have become aware of the fact that Gender Identity Ideology is a deadly regressive hoax that must be fought. More and more people are filing freedom of information requests to learn what’s going on in their local schools, writing articles, filing lawsuits, forming gender critical groups, and otherwise taking action.
Please be in touch with me to discuss how to connect your talents, resources, and ideas to those of others working to expel Gender Identity Indoctrination from our schools.
Biologists, other scientists, and medical professionals, can you help identify the best existing articles and videos to use as evidence in our petitions and lawsuits, countering various specific inaccuracies taught to children regarding sex and biology? If existing materials don’t quite fit what is needed, can you help us produce new ones?
Psychologists, teachers, and other child development experts, can you point us towards the best existing articles and videos to use as evidence in our petitions and lawsuits, to expose how the Gender Identity narrative clashes with children’s developmental realities and needs? If existing materials don’t fit the bill, can you help us prepare new ones?
LGB activists, what are the best existing materials to use in forcefully documenting that Gender Identity curricula and policies undermine LGB youth and their rights? If existing materials are lacking, can you help produce new articles and videos to use?
Feminists, what are the best materials to use to expose the rampant sexism in schools’ Gender Indoctrination materials and policies? Can you help produce new materials if existing ones don’t suffice?
Those fighting for indigenous rights and against colonialism, what existing materials best counter the ways in which curricula in some locations (e.g. San Diego) misrepresent and hijack indigenous cultures? Can you help prepare new materials if existing ones don’t suffice?
Those facilitating networks of parents and of others appalled by what’s happening in the schools, what is your advice regarding how to connect people who might be willing to be co-petitioners and co-plaintiffs in specific locales?
These are just some areas in which it will be advantageous to share expertise and resources with each other across the U.S. And of course, we can coordinate with people in other countries as well.
This is an all-hands-on-deck situation. Gender Identity Indoctrination is pervasive in U.S. schools. We must join forces to expel this regressive, anti-science, civil-rights-destroying, and child-harming ideology from our schools as swiftly as possible.
Contact me through my substack email address which is at the bottom of my About page.
I agree wholeheartedly with your criticism of gender identity ideology, and support your appeal for scientists to combat it. But in spite of the aggressive irrationality displayed by the authorities who are pushing gender identity, they continue to make advances with little resistance. We find that the Democratic Party has no problem with gender identity, and the mass media and university administrations have generally got on board. Billionaires like George Soros and Warren Buffett have charitable foundations that provide funding for "anti-racist" and "gender affirming" policies and projects. The Republican Party at the national level has not offered any resistance, although many state-level Republican politicians have tried to legislate against gender-based instruction in the public schools (with limited success).
So why is it that the "powers that be" are so indifferent to gender ideology, or have developed a positive attitude toward it? What's the cause for this shift in perspective? I will not explain what goes on in the minds of the wealthy and powerful, but it's fair to say that woke politics originated within their milieus.
We know from history that civil rights were won in the 1960s by coalitions of fighters who gained the support of millions of African Americans actively demonstrating against Jim Crow discrimination and segregation. Ultimately the powers that be gave in and legislated civil rights in 1964 and 1965. Civil rights was a cause rooted in the hopes and activities of ordinary working people and their middle-class allies.
What we are seeing today is a movement rooted in the rich and powerful elements of society -- not in the communities of the disadvantaged or oppressed. We need a revival of activity among ordinary working people to reject and fight against the burdens that are being imposed on them by the irrational and malevolent public school authorities. Thus far we have witnessed many instances of outraged citizens protesting woke policies at school-board and city council meetings. This will develop further as the coming recessions makes life increasingly unbearable for millions of working people.
Jim Miller
Thanks for this article, you speak the truth. You were one of the first people to peak me some months ago. Your new rendition of Helen Reddy's I am Woman is spot on. With your edits, I look forward to this song becoming a song born anew.