
I agree wholeheartedly with your criticism of gender identity ideology, and support your appeal for scientists to combat it. But in spite of the aggressive irrationality displayed by the authorities who are pushing gender identity, they continue to make advances with little resistance. We find that the Democratic Party has no problem with gender identity, and the mass media and university administrations have generally got on board. Billionaires like George Soros and Warren Buffett have charitable foundations that provide funding for "anti-racist" and "gender affirming" policies and projects. The Republican Party at the national level has not offered any resistance, although many state-level Republican politicians have tried to legislate against gender-based instruction in the public schools (with limited success).

So why is it that the "powers that be" are so indifferent to gender ideology, or have developed a positive attitude toward it? What's the cause for this shift in perspective? I will not explain what goes on in the minds of the wealthy and powerful, but it's fair to say that woke politics originated within their milieus.

We know from history that civil rights were won in the 1960s by coalitions of fighters who gained the support of millions of African Americans actively demonstrating against Jim Crow discrimination and segregation. Ultimately the powers that be gave in and legislated civil rights in 1964 and 1965. Civil rights was a cause rooted in the hopes and activities of ordinary working people and their middle-class allies.

What we are seeing today is a movement rooted in the rich and powerful elements of society -- not in the communities of the disadvantaged or oppressed. We need a revival of activity among ordinary working people to reject and fight against the burdens that are being imposed on them by the irrational and malevolent public school authorities. Thus far we have witnessed many instances of outraged citizens protesting woke policies at school-board and city council meetings. This will develop further as the coming recessions makes life increasingly unbearable for millions of working people.

Jim Miller


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Thanks for this article, you speak the truth. You were one of the first people to peak me some months ago. Your new rendition of Helen Reddy's I am Woman is spot on. With your edits, I look forward to this song becoming a song born anew.

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Thanks for writing this, Carol, and for all the work behind it. For parents or teachers who want to post anonymously about their experiences/knowledge of ROGD, gender ideology, and medicalization with a wider audience, two sites where they can do that are Berkley Parents Network and DCUrbanMoms. Many of the parents who post on those sites are new to these phenomena and would benefit from hearing from others with more experience.

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Thanks for this comment. As you probably know, PITT is also an excellent site for anonymous postings: https://pitt.substack.com

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