
Reproductive biologists define sexes by which "primary sex organ" (gonad) is present at birth; i.e. is a person of body type associated with sperm or with eggs? They don't define sex by chromosomes. Chromosomes DETERMINE which pathway an embryo is on, but don't DEFINE sex Just as temperature DETERMINES alligator sex, but reproductive anatomy DEFINES it. As a practical matter, chromosomes and gonads, lead to the same conclusion regarding whether someone is male or female, except in an extremely small number of cases. But I'd rather stick with saying "women only", not "people without a Y chromosome only." In addition to not being technically accurate given how biologists define sex, "people without a Y chromosome" or "people who just have X's" is dang cumbersome. Sounds a bit like what the Gender Cult folks do when they refer to "people with a cervix" etc.

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Thank you for standing up for truth and justice.

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You were on fire.

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What a marvelous speech! Thank you for supporting reality!

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Well done! Thanks for your courage and tenacity in sanding up to these bullies

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I love "gender identity Borg"! :) Kudos to you and other brave, sane women willing to speak truth to power. I wish more younger women would join in; I don't know about you, but I had planned on a quietly apolitical retirement, feeling I've already done my part. Apparently not. Keep fighting the good fight!

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It’s hard to overestimate the importance of what you’re doing. Thank you.

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Congratulations on a job well done! Thank you Carol, April, Amy, Dawn and all the other powerful women who spoke - I am proud to stand with all of you! This fight is ON!💜🤍💛💜🤍💚✊✊✊

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Great show of solidarity, backed up by good speech. When Posie Parker came to New Zealand recently to talk womens rights, she was overpowered by a mob of 2000 trans activists, who were backed by our govt. to abuse the rights of 200 supporters and listeners in Albert park. It is a numbers game, against a mob of cowards, and your rally got that right. I have established that these losers dont have a case, and their whole ideology is based on the assumption that all their problems are the fault of neurotypical people, like you and me, and we owe them. I think the mob is the vocal end of the neurodiverse community, and when they get together they can be dangerous and more delusional. Has anybody tried using X and Y to keep it even more simple. Like "Only People with XX chromosomes allowed in here" or "This Event is not for people with XY chromosomes". Even transgender people cant argue with that very easily. I think it is just a fad, but that still means standing up against it.

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