Wow crying here. I want to scream and yell that this movement is meant for fetishistic men to act out in public, it’s about young girls running away from themselves, it’s about lying adults letting them believe they can actual change their biology. It is a men’s movement. It is ANTI gay! How can people not see that. They are probably so open minded that their stupid brains fell out. I believe that women who cater to this are morally bankrupt or worse mentally ill. If you allow the mangling of the language you have no solid foundation in law, in sports, in medical setting. This is a nightmare of epic proportions.

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Those who consider themselves trans allies don’t hesitate to engage in such cruel and horrifying behavior.  They don’t hesitate to follow through on their threats either, cutting the grandchildren out of Grandma’s life.  And cutting her out of theirs.

Yes, this is the weapon of choice, and those who wield it are too cowardly even to admit that they are being cruel. My heart aches for the grandchildren who are pawns in this nastiness.

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Oh, the pain of our friends and family turning on us is all too relatable. I've lost numerous friends over this, and there are others who I want to grab by the shoulders and shake sense into, perhaps even share your video with. Unfortunately, I can't really do that without putting strains on relationships which have already been strained in the past. So... it's more so a matter of waiting for those people to join me of their own volition, if they ever do.

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You are right! I finally spoke out to my book club. I was shaking. Their eyes were huge! But I was not cancelled and it was a relief to get it out.

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So glad to hear this! Thanks!

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I am so encouraged to see that after all these years, you are still here and our numbers are growing. We need to protect our children and women from this ideology. Keep up the great work!

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Hi Inga, you're an athlete, yes? Are you involved in ICONs?

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Fantastic video, Carol. I will try sending this to selected family and friends and pray they watch it..

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Hi Carol. I'm sure you're already aware of this, but would love to see your take on it: https://www.them.us/story/washington-lgbtq-inclusive-school-curricula

BTW, I seem to have lost your e-mail address. I'm now at rwhitney55@outlook.com. Please shoot me a quick e-mail when you get a minute. I am now recovering from cancer surgery and hope to get back into the fight in Illinois before long.

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This is outstanding! Clear, calm, comprehensive, backed with evidence and references. A great video to share with friends and family who are resistant to understanding and learning about the impacts of gender identity ideology. Carol, you do amazing work. I am so grateful.

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Thank you. Moral support like this really helps!

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> Gender Identity Ideology intentionally drives a wedge between trans-identifying individuals and any loved ones who have doubts about that ideology. It also intentionally drives a wedge between so-called “trans allies” and their loved ones.

This lens, this talk of people supporting the idea of trans people as rooted not in their sincere belief as individuals but a product of being "captured", is deeply unhelpful. It misrepresents things, simply put: People who sincerely believe in something are not being held captive, certainly not in a way that means you might change their view if you share one more tweet or one more video.

The behaviours that you describe, of people changing their relationships with you such that trans issues do not come up in conversation and of ending their relationships entirely, are not he behaviours of people pressured or coerced by an external force. They are, rather, the decisions taken by people who sincerely disagree with you on an issue, to the point that they preclude any discussion of the topic. They fear your elaboration of your views will make it impossible for them to keep up the relationship with you, by their own consciences.

All I can say, if you are intent on trying to force conversations with people close to you and if you know that these conversations will end badly because they sincerely disagree with you, is that you have to accept the implosion or downgrading of these relationships. This is a cost other people have encountered in other social movements, and, in truth, it has to be paid. You simply cannot force people into the relationship you want.

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Judging from your comments here and in a thread elsewhere, I suspect I've hit a nerve with you. Are you talking about yourself when you assert that loved ones who have never spoken with me about these issues "fear" that my "elaboration of my views" will make it impossible for them to be in relationship with me? There is actually a 3rd alternative beyond i) shutting down a gender critical loved one refusing to ever hear what s/he has to say, and ii) having a conversation that destroys the relationship. It is possible to have a respectful loving conversation. You might discover that your assumptions regarding the positions and motivations of gender critical people you know are erroneous.

I've had many different experiences in which gender ideologues who don't know me at all have yelled at me, telling me how awful it is that I believe x, y, and z......and not letting me talk. But I don't believe in x, y and z. Not at all. So yeah, they "sincerely disagree" with something....but it's not me...it's the version of me put forth by the ideology they're part of. There is every reason to believe that some of my loved ones believe the same falsehoods. I've done extensive review of school curricula and other Gender Identity narrative-pushing forces in our world.....these quite clearly promote false images of those of us who challenge Gender Identity Ideology. "Capture" is a very real phenomenon, made possible by the Big Money forces behind this ideology.

Finally, nope, I'm not "forcing conversations." I'm giving loved ones a chance to listen and to talk with me about a really important topic. I'm letting those who are particularly affected (e.g. parents of small children) know about some really important matters. And I won't be disowning people who don't listen to the video. The fact that you see my communication with loved ones on this as such a problem....such a threat....is really telling. It illuminates just how unhealthy and destructive the tactics of gender ideologues are.

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From their perspective, a "gentle loving conversation" is not possible. There are a lot of subjects that are not possible topics of debate or discussion. This is particularly true if the topic runs contrary to their core beliefs. If, to borrow a topic from a Canadian comedy show, someone kept wanting to start a discussion with me over whether the Irish should have the vote based on their skepticism that this is a good idea, and I am someone who takes it as axiomatic the idea that of course the Irish should vote, if that person keeps trying to start a discussion with me on a topic that I am not going to change my mind about for no other reasons than to try to change my mind, this will impact my relationship with them. How could it not? If they do not respect my opinion enough to let things be, then I am going to distance myself. I will spend more time with people uninterested in reopening the Irish vote issue.

It is not I who has issues with your trying to restart discussions that other people are uninterested in. By your own account, it is these people who have the issues, whether we are talking about the ones who have ended their relationships with you entirely or the ones who have carefully calibrated their relationships to remove this subject from discussion. You cannot force other people to accept your definition of what your relationship with them should include, and rightly so.

If this subject or any other is something that is so important to you that you are willing to end relationships over this, triggering other people to move away from you if they cannot keep this subject out of their relationship with you, this is your right. Quite frankly I can imagine a lot of subjects that would be worth ending relationships over: I do not think, to name an example, that I would value a relationship with someone who thought the Irish should be kept from voting. I, and you, should just not be under any illusions as to the likely consequences of our actions. As for complaining when other people react according to their values, well, why?

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I appreciate the respectful tones and efforts both you and Carol employed in your back and forth discussion.

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Thanks for all you do!

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